I wonder if it’s a condition of our society or our tendency in America to live paycheck to paycheck, but whenever money is deposited in the bank, I see the elation of PAYDAY!
I am elated with you! I love money. And having it in your bank account is always a good thing. Always! But here’s the rub… It is my dream for you to be so in tune with your budget that payday becomes just another day.
[This is NOT the same as people who say their birthday is just another day -- that’s just sad.]
The myth that I’d like to bust today is that your checking account is the tool you should use when deciding on a purchase.
Me: I’d love to buy that pair of jeans.
Checking Account: You have plenty of money; go for it!
Budget: Wait a minute, you spent your $50 on shoes earlier this month -- hang tight until next month on those jeans!
Next month…
Me: Yes, those jeans are mine!
Budget: Why yes, they are -- looking gorgeous by the way!
Maybe I’ll call up myth busters to see if they have room for another person on their show; I’d make a good addition, don’t you think?!
Quick and to the point today, my friends.
Here's to you,
Melissa Mittelstaedt
Money Coach | Accredited Financial Counselor®